Throughout the environment in Wake, there is a cast of friendly NPCs to meet. Fellow members of the rangers, wanderers, merchants and mysterious characters live in the surrounding world with their own daily routines. The player can interact with them to gain knowledge, purchase or sell goods, accept/progress quests, or just to chat.
A friendly NPC gets up and moves to the next location in his routine.
A friendly NPC at three of their daily routine locations.
Each friendly NPC can have up to 24 locations it will travel to throughout the day as part of their routine. At each location they will have a unique dialogue, animation, and possibly a unique quest, item or piece of info to share with you.
The player may discover secrets about the fellow inhabitants by following them around…
Shopkeeper menu for purchasing or selling items.
Aside from standard interactions, certain NPC’s let you purchase/sell items from their shop, access storage or upgrade your items. There are one of each within the hub area but the player should look out for others with unique wares or upgrades available during their travels.
NPC designs use the same character creator system the player does. Therefore most pieces of clothing/hair that an NPC has will be available to the player as an item. Learn more about the character creator by clicking here.